#57 Heart Whispers: A Hypnotic Heart Chakra Journey with Clairempathy
Imagine being able to sense the invisible currents of emotion flowing around you as easily as feeling a breeze on your skin. Picture yourself navigating the complex landscape of human feelings with grace and intuition while staying grounded in your own emotional truth. What if within your heart chakra lies a key to unlocking this extraordinary ability known as clairempathy?
Are you ready for a transformative journey to awaken this superpower within you?
I’m Christel Arcucci, and I’m on a mission to change your experience with your body, pleasure, and power. Learn more about my work at embodysoulpurpose.com. You’re listening to the Desire Sessions podcast, the lightning path to discovering your desires and clearing what’s blocking you from receiving.
Embrace Your Empathic Abilities
Asking for what you want and receiving unapologetically is a revolutionary act. It’s time to be the one you’re looking for. This healing and hypnotic audio journey is designed to support you to restore your nervous system and enjoy personal power. It’s ideal that you’re listening in a place you can relax and receive.
I’m excited that this is the fourth week of the Ecstatic Empath series in collaboration with the Sedona Soul Sisters show. Many empaths are unknowingly attuned only to the pain body. This series will support you to have clear boundaries with pain and awaken the channels that fuel the bliss body with ease and grace. If you would like to receive all the resources from the entire free Ecstatic Empath Series, visit ecstaticempath.com and enter your name and email.
Centering Your Heart Chakra
Take a deeper breath and place your hands over your heart center. Feel the gentle rise and fall of your chest. As you exhale, imagine a soft emerald light radiating from your heart, filling your entire being with warmth and compassion. Set the intention now to open your heart chakra, embrace your empathic abilities, and deepen your connection to your inner wisdom throughout this journey.
The heart chakra, our fourth energy center, serves as a powerful bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, making it crucial for psychic development and intuition. As we heal and balance this chakra, we unlock our capacity for clairempathy, the ability to sense and understand the emotions of others on a profound level. This empathic skill not only enhances our emotional intelligence but also acts as a gateway to other forms of intuition, allowing us to perceive information beyond our five senses.
The Healing Power of Breath
Allow yourself to settle and become as comfortable as possible in your physical environment, ideally supporting your head, neck, body, arms, and legs so that you can relax as deeply as possible. Turn your attention to your breath without making any changes. Begin noticing how your breath is moving without any conscious effort—chest rising and falling, your body breathing effortlessly.
Now begin expanding and deepening your breath gently, receiving and releasing, focusing on your heart center. The heart chakra, called the Anahata chakra in Sanskrit and located in the center of the chest, opens to the front, back, above, and below. It is associated with the element of air and the color green. The sound is yam.
Yam. Yam. Yam. Gently repeating the sound yam, feel the vibration centered in your heart to clear, open, and balance the heart chakra.
Integrating Breath and Movement
Your breath is an expression of your physical connection to the element of air and your spirit’s guidance beyond the physical. Every moment, without your conscious effort, you are being supported—you are being breathed. When you actively participate in the practice of breathing deeply and fully, you open the channels to receiving and offering more effectively.
Integrate a simple breathing practice into your relaxation process. As you inhale, turn your head slightly to the left so that your nose moves a little to the left of the center line. As you exhale, turn your head slightly to the right so that your nose is slightly right of center.
Continue this gentle practice of breathing, inhaling and exhaling, receiving, clearing, opening, and releasing. Settle your head back in the center, knowing that you are always receiving and clearing, being and offering who you are and what you do in the world simply by being.
Embracing the Element of Air
Imagine yourself easily resting in a hammock between trees or in a tree house, a system of bridges and nets connected high above the ground. Feel the gentle movement of the breeze, the motion of the trees. Your breath is like the wind of the earth, supporting, clearing, and opening the channels flowing into and out of your heart center.
Your heart holds the great capacity to feel anything and everything at any moment. Sometimes the wind is a radical storm of disruption and chaos, and sometimes it is so still you can hear your heart beating. This capacity allows you to hold the extremes of human experience with great compassion and love.
Navigating Emotional Waves
As you relax in the element of air, you can more easily see, understand, and navigate emotional waves—your own and others’. This deepens your ability for clairempathy, the ability to feel and sense emotions in other humans. There are emotional imprints you are receiving as information, and your system is now calibrating to interpret this information for your highest good and your contribution to humanity.
Around your heart chakra and body, there is an energetic web that sometimes is very loose and open, allowing energy, information, and emotions to move easily in and out. Other times, the web becomes tighter or completely closed to act as a boundary, supporting the clarity of your soul and wisdom of your energy centers.
Journal Prompts for Self-Inquiry
Reflect on a time when you felt emotionally overwhelmed by someone else’s feelings. How did this experience shape your beliefs about your empathic abilities? In what ways can you reframe these beliefs to empower rather than limit you?
Explore the origins of your fear of emotional vulnerability. What childhood experiences or cultural messages contributed to this fear, and how might challenging these beliefs open new possibilities for connection and growth?
Describe the internal dialogue that occurs when you sense other’s emotions. What subconscious beliefs or judgments arise? How can you transform this inner narrative to better serve your empathic development?
Transition Back to Your Physical Environment
Begin to deepen and expand your breath, gently bringing movement back into your fingers and toes. Transition your awareness back into the physical environment you are in. Feel whatever support you are resting on and notice the light coming through your eyelids. Deepen your breath and gently move. As you feel ready, slowly open your eyes and take in the light, colors, and textures of the room you’re in.
Thank you for being a part of the pleasure-led movement. I am honored to support your embodied spiritual awakening.
I want to extend a special invitation to our women listeners over 40. If you’re feeling a spark of excitement and wondering if there’s more to life after 40, I’ve created the Embody Freedom Method, an eight-week adventurous fitness journey designed specifically for women ready to redefine what’s possible.
This isn’t just about fitness; it’s about reconnecting with your body’s wisdom, aligning with your soul’s purpose, and embracing a life full of vitality and adventure. Let’s discover together how you can embody freedom and live an adventurous life that excites you every day. Click the link in the show notes and schedule your clarity call today. https://christelarcucci.as.me/clarity
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I believe in you and the magic power of your soul. I’m sending you so much love.