Hypnosis for Awakening Your Psychic Gifts: The Clair Connection to your Chakras #53

Hypnosis for Awakening Your Psychic Gifts: The Clair Connection to your Chakras #53

Welcome to a healing exploration of your psychic gifts through chakra activation.

In a world full of distractions and demands, finding the time and space to connect with your deeper self can be challenging. However, under the surface, you hold a wealth of wisdom and psychic abilities that are waiting to be discovered. Imagine unlocking a hidden doorway within yourself, leading to a world of heightened intuition and psychic abilities. As you journey through the vibrant energy centers of your body, called the chakras, you’ll awaken senses you may never have known you had. Together, let’s uncover the extraordinary insights and abilities that emerge as we harmonize your chakras and unleash your inner psychic.


My name is Christel Arcucci, and I am devoted to transforming how you experience your body, pleasure, and power. Learn more about my work at www.embodysoulpurpose.com

Preparing for the Journey

Before we begin, find a place where you can relax and receive fully. Start by placing your hands gently on your body, perhaps on your belly and heart. Notice the breath moving in and out of your body, and feel the connection between your hands and your body. As you breathe deeply, visualize a column of vibrant light flowing through you, activating each one of your chakras. With this vibrant energy coursing through you, set your intention to awaken your psychic abilities and intuitive gifts.

The Chakra Journey

We will explore your body’s energy centers and their connection to your intuitive abilities. This guided experience is designed to harmonize your seven main chakras, from grounding at the root to divine connection through your crown, while simultaneously activating your psychic senses.

Root Chakra

Begin by bringing your attention to your feet, legs, and the base of your pelvis. Connect deeply to your root chakra, which anchors you to the element of earth. Feel grounded, present, and relaxed as you expand your ability to sense physical sensations and emotions.

Sacral Chakra

Move to the sacral chakra, located above the pubic bone and below the navel. This chakra is connected to the element of water and your emotional center, enhancing your emotional awareness and intelligence. Embrace your emotional clairsentience, the ability to tune into the emotions of others.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Above the navel and below the ribcage lies the solar plexus chakra, related to the element of fire. This is your inner sun, where you cultivate clear cognizance, or the ability to understand information through extrasensory means. This solar power can burn through illusions and blocks, accessing the truth that serves the highest good.

Heart Chakra

Situated below the collarbones and above the ribcage curve, the heart chakra is linked to the element of air. Here, we foster clear empathy, the deep understanding and feeling of others’ emotions. Cultivate your compassion and love for humanity, tapping into both their pain and joy.

Throat Chakra

From the area above the collarbones to the bridge of your nose, the throat chakra is connected to the element of space. This is where we develop clear audience, psychic smell, and taste. The purer your physical body, the easier it is to perceive and communicate your psychic gifts.

Third Eye Chakra

Located from the bridge of the nose to the hairline, this chakra is also tied to the element of space. Here, we nurture clairvoyance, the ability to see events and people that aren’t physically present. Open the channel of your third eye and activate your psychic vision.

Crown Chakra

Finally, at the top of your head, the crown chakra connects to the infinity of space. This is the seat of clairvoyant mediumship and precognition, the ability to communicate with spirits or foresee future events. Visualize the violet flame opening this chakra, connecting you to divine messages and higher wisdom.

Closing and Reflection

With every chakra now activated and glowing, you are a brilliant channel of pure energy and psychic abilities. Allow yourself to soften and ground these energies back into the core of your body.


1. During the journey, which chakra activation felt most intense or vivid to you? Reflect on how this might relate to your current life experiences or areas where your intuition is strongest.

2. Did you notice any physical sensations, emotions, or spontaneous thoughts arise during the activation of specific chakras? Describe these experiences and consider what insights they might offer about your psychic abilities.

3. Visualize your personal symbol of intuitive power that emerged during the journey. What does this symbol mean to you, and how might you incorporate it into your daily life to strengthen your connection to your psychic senses?

4. After the journey, which “clair” ability feels most accessible to you right now? Describe a situation in the near future where you could consciously apply this ability.

5. Reflecting on the entire experience, what surprised you most about your inner landscape? How has this journey shifted your perspective on your intuitive potential, and what one step will you take to nurture this aspect of yourself?

Are you for a personalized purpose coaching with me? The Embody Soul Purpose Series  transforms wounds from the past into wisdom and wonder in the present and the future, in a soul retrieval and timeline healing process to clear, balance and harmonize of all 7 main energy centers. Embrace all aspects of your past so you can create the greatest chapter of your life.

Schedule your life-changing series at www.embodysoulpurpose.com

Leave a review and follow on your favorite podcast app.

I believe in you and the magic power of your soul.  I am sending you so much love!

Healthy Masculine Energy: Transform Pain into Power by Healing the Father Wound #52

Healthy Masculine Energy: Transform Pain into Power by Healing the Father Wound #52

Introduction: The Call to Heal

In this powerful episode of The Desire Sessions, we delve deep into the heart of masculine energy and the profound impact of the father wound. As we navigate the complexities of modern masculinity, we explore how healing our deepest wounds can unlock transformative power and authentic self-expression.

Understanding the Father Wound

The father wound is more than just a personal struggle—it’s a collective experience that shapes our understanding of masculinity, power, and self-worth. We examine the various forms this wound can take and how it influences our relationships, career choices, and overall well-being.

The Ripple Effect: How Unhealed Wounds Shape Our World

Unaddressed father wounds don’t just affect individuals; they ripple out into society, influencing everything from interpersonal dynamics to global leadership. We discuss the broader implications of healing this wound and its potential to create positive change on a larger scale.

Redefining Healthy Masculine Energy

What does healthy masculine energy look like in today’s world? We challenge traditional stereotypes and explore a more nuanced, balanced approach to masculinity that embraces both strength and vulnerability.

The Healing Journey: Practical Steps and Insights

Embark on a transformative journey with us as we outline practical steps for healing the father wound. From self-reflection exercises to energy work, we provide a toolkit for those ready to embrace their full potential.

Integrating the Divine Masculine and Feminine

True healing comes from balance. Learn how to honor and integrate both masculine and feminine energies within yourself, regardless of your gender identity.

Cultivating Healthy Masculine Energy in Daily Life

Discover actionable strategies for embodying healthy masculine energy in your relationships, work, and personal growth journey.

The Ripple Effect of Healing: Creating a Better World

As we heal ourselves, we heal the world. Explore how your personal journey can contribute to a more balanced, compassionate, and empowered society.

Conclusion: Embracing Your Authentic Power

Are you for a personalized purpose coaching with me? The Embody Soul Purpose Series  transforms wounds from the past into wisdom and wonder in the present and the future, in a soul retrieval and timeline healing process to clear, balance and harmonize of all 7 main energy centers. Embrace all aspects of your past so you can create the greatest chapter of your life.

Schedule your life-changing series at www.embodysoulpurpose.com

Leave a review and follow on your favorite podcast app.

I believe in you and the magic power of your soul.  I am sending you so much love!

Join us for this transformative episode of The Desire Sessions as we unlock the power of healthy masculine energy and pave the way for profound personal and collective healing.

Ecstatic Empath – A Healing Journey to Embodied Freedom #51

Ecstatic Empath – A Healing Journey to Embodied Freedom #51

If you are an empath who longs for embodied freedom but often feels energetically drained or overwhelmed, this journey is crafted for you. Let’s explore how you can release accumulated burdens, fortify your energetic boundaries, and emerge as a vibrant being of balance, delight, and clarity.

Discovering the Path to Healing and Rejuvenation

Hello, I’m Christel Arcucci, and I am on a mission to transform your relationship with your body, pleasure, and power. You’re listening to The Desire Sessions podcast, the lightning path to discover your desires and clear the blocks preventing you from unapologetically asking for and receiving what you want.

Setting Intentions for a Sacred Space

Before we begin, let’s set our intentions for this healing space. Find a comfortable position, place a hand on your heart and another on your belly, or any area that feels nurturing. Close your eyes gently and take a few deep breaths. As you breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, let your body, mind, and heart settle into this moment.

Bring your awareness inward and connect with your deepest desires for healing and rejuvenation as an empath. Whether your intention is to release accumulated energetic burdens, strengthen your energetic boundaries, or replenish your spirit, visualize these intentions vividly and hold them close as we move forward.

Embracing Your Unique Empathic Gift

As an empath, you have a rare and beautiful gift of being deeply attuned to the energies and emotions around you. While this sensitivity is a gift, it can also leave you vulnerable to taking on too much from others, resulting in energetic depletion, overwhelm, and burnout. Allow yourself to enter a healing trance, trusting the nurturing space you are in.

Connecting to Your Energetic Boundaries

Begin by bringing your awareness to the edges of your body and the space around you. Notice where you feel tightness or relaxation, breathing deeply into these areas. As you exhale, imagine releasing the events of the day into a giant, golden bubble in front of you. This bubble absorbs your challenges, moving far away with each exhale, leaving you lighter and clearer.

Creating Your Golden Bubble of Protection

Visualize a protective golden bubble forming just outside your skin. This bubble acts as a magical container, filtering the energies you want to receive and share. It holds your life force energy sacred, sealing any leaks and circulating supportive energy within your system. Inside this bubble, you hold the wisdom formed by all your life experiences, much like precious gems formed under pressure.

Acknowledging Your Empathic Wisdom

With your next exhale, actively release doubts and confusion. Embrace the wisdom garnered from every life lesson, even the painful ones. Understand that your sensitivity is both a gift and a challenge, meant to help you clarify your boundaries, desires, and soul assignments.

Opening to Ecstatic Empathy

Imagine your empathic system shifting from solely attuning to pain to seeking joy, connection, and beauty. This new awareness opens up a vibrant world filled with deep presence and empowered vision. Witnessing moments of pleasure, delight, and love becomes more vivid, allowing you to appreciate life in technicolor.

Expanding Your Pleasure Capacity

The depth of pain you’ve experienced enhances your capacity for equally profound joy and beauty. Open your senses, breath, and body to this new reality, allowing yourself to be deeply moved by life. Embrace the ecstatic power of being an empath, celebrating the full spectrum of emotions and experiences that make you unique.

Integrating the Healing Journey

As we conclude this journey, feel how it has landed in your system. Move your fingers and toes, deepen your breath, and trust in your ability to integrate this work. Remember, you are the one you’ve been waiting for. Embrace your ecstatic empath abilities and express your unique soul in everything you do.

Invitation to Deeper Exploration

Thank you for being part of the pleasure-led movement.

Are you for a personalized purpose coaching with me? The Embody Soul Purpose Series  transforms wounds from the past into wisdom and wonder in the present and the future, in a soul retrieval and timeline healing process to clear, balance and harmonize of all 7 main energy centers. Embrace all aspects of your past so you can create the greatest chapter of your life.

Schedule your life-changing series at www.embodysoulpurpose.com

Leave a review and follow us on your favorite podcast app.

I believe in you and the magic power of your soul. Sending you so much love.

Accessing the Wisdom of Pain – A Hypnotic Healing Exploration #50

Accessing the Wisdom of Pain – A Hypnotic Healing Exploration #50

Accessing the Wisdom of Pain: A Hypnotic Healing Exploration

What if you could transform your relationship with pain from one of resistance and fear to one of acceptance and even embrace, unlocking its profound wisdom as a messenger and gateway to personal growth and awakening?

I’m Christel  Arcucci, and I’m on a mission to change your experience with your body, pleasure, and power. Learn more about my work at www.embodysoulpurpose.com You’re listening to the Desire Sessions podcast, the lightning path to discover your desires and clear what’s blocking you from receiving. Asking for what you want and receiving unapologetically is a revolutionary act. It’s time to be the one you’re looking for. This healing and hypnotic audio journey is designed to support you in restoring your nervous system and enjoying personal power.

Setting the Stage for Healing

It’s ideal that you’re listening in a place where you can relax and receive. Pain is an undeniable part of the human journey. And yet, so often our relationship with it is one of resistance, fear, and avoidance. We see pain as an enemy to conquer, a problem to be solved, or a heavy burden to bear. But what if we could shift our perspective? What if we could see pain not merely as a source of suffering, but as a profound messenger and a sacred portal to personal growth and transformation?

In this hypnotic experience, you’ll be guided to uncover the wisdom held within your pain and explore how it can serve as a catalyst for positive change. Through this journey, we’ll embrace pain as a gateway to a deeper understanding of ourselves, our purpose, and the profound interconnectedness of all life. Join me as we delve into this often misunderstood aspect of the human condition and discover how reframing our relationship with pain can unlock a path to greater resilience, meaning, and embodied spiritual awakening.

Embarking on the Journey

Begin by moving your attention to the back of your body and making yourself as comfortable and supported as possible. How much can you settle into where you are sitting or resting? How much can you open to receive the energetic frequency of my voice and the healing energy pouring into you through the sound?

Allow this episode to be an exploration and an experiment in trying on a new way of relating to pain. I invite you to bring one hand to your belly and one hand to your heart, or wherever you feel comfortable resting your hands so that they touch and support your body. This journey is an exploration of physical, mental, emotional, psychic, and spiritual pain—an opportunity to try on a new way of being and create new pathways of experience.

What if pain is blocked, stuck, or restricted life force energy? We are exploring ways to gently move this energy—through breath, mind, emotions, and physical body—to begin to release what is held and blocked within your system.

The Healing Power of Presence

With your hands resting on your body, we are opening a space for healing, deeper connection, and access to insights and wisdom from your intuition, psychic gifts, guides, guardians, and teachers. I invite you to open to receive as much as you comfortably can, allowing that to change as we journey together through this gentle dance and exploration with the experience of pain.

A common experience of pain is one of wanting to escape, seeking relief. It is helpful to allow yourself to feel what you feel, to notice your thoughts, emotions, and past experiences, and to recognize the fear of how pain might shape your life. Allow yourself to be in your experience with as little resistance as possible, being present with what is, and looking for ways to restore the movement of life force energy and your creative essence.

Exploring the Layers of Pain

There are many levels and layers to the pain body, and it can be helpful to examine the different opportunities and pathways through which you can relate to your experiences. Release any rigid ideas of how you have previously related to pain. Move deeper into your conscious and subconscious awareness, into a state of receiving—receiving yourself, your breath, and the possibility that pain might be a messenger, a portal, or a life reset inviting new ways of being, feeling, and moving.

The main goal of this journey is to open possibilities, release rigid constriction and resistance, and create new experiences by moving, breathing, and sounding in ways that release blocked energy.

A Journey Through Nature

Imagine yourself walking through a forest, surrounded by the still, calm, and centered presence of redwood trees. Feel your footsteps connecting to the earth and your hands gently touching the trees’ trunks, opening yourself to their wisdom and presence.

One tree calls to you, and you find a spot to rest at its base, fully supported. Close your eyes and allow the tree to guide you on a powerful journey. You find yourself in a tunnel inside your being, your awareness held at the edges of pain in your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual body. Instead of fighting against it, sit with the pain, opening your curiosity and gently breathing at the edge, expanding your life force energy.

Allow the vibration of hums to tickle the edges of the pain, opening a new experience and a new way of relating to what has felt rigid, stuck, and limited. Presence brings power to any experience, changing the relationship and opening you to a whole new way of being.

Embracing the Elements

Recognize how pain mirrors the elements: the rigid, unyielding earth; the fluidity of water; the transformative power of fire; the vitality of air; and the infinite space. Integrate these elements into your healing, allowing the water element to flow through the heaviness of earth, creating new experiences and pathways of being. Move, breathe, and sound to connect with and release the energy held in your system.

Releasing the mind’s rigidity, cultivate curiosity, compassion, and gentleness in exploring the physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental bodies. Let guided soul wisdom transform your relationship with pain, opening to new possibilities and greater wellness.

Returning to the Self

As you rest, leaning against the redwood tree, feel the healing power of the earth reaching into your soul, muscles, bones, and cells. Embrace the fluid motion of water, the transformational power of fire, and the life force energy of air. Connect to your divine soul self through the element of space, the creative consciousness that moves from infinity into your body.

Rise from the tree and follow a new, vibrantly lit path in the forest, representing a new life experience and relationship with your humanness and earth school challenges. Use your arms and hands to support your rise, turning towards the tree to embrace and open to this healing and awakening, transforming your relationship to pain.

As you take this inspired journey, move your physical body, enliven your breath, and gently open your eyes. Thank you for being a part of this pleasure-led movement. I am honored to support your embodied spiritual awakening.

I want to extend a special invitation to our listeners. If you’re craving a deeper exploration of your desires, whether they be personal or professional, consider booking a Desire session  by phone with me. It’s a unique opportunity to delve into your dreams, purpose, and clear limiting belief codes that are blocking you.

To schedule your Desire session visit www.DesireSession.com

Are you for a personalized purpose coaching with me? The Embody Soul Purpose Series  transforms wounds from the past into wisdom and wonder in the present and the future, in a soul retrieval and timeline healing process to clear, balance and harmonize of all 7 main energy centers. Embrace all aspects of your past so you can create the greatest chapter of your life.

Schedule your life-changing series at www.embodysoulpurpose.com

Leave a review and follow on your favorite podcast app.

I believe in you and the magic power of your soul. I’m sending you so much love.

The Integrative Healing Journey of Mind & Emotions #49

The Integrative Healing Journey of Mind & Emotions #49

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey that delves deep into the collaboration between your mind and emotions? Join me as we explore the captivating world of healing and empowerment.

Nurturing Your Inner Balance

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and place your hands on your belly and heart as you begin a journey of intention-setting and self-discovery. The integration of masculine and feminine energies within you paves the way for peace, power, and embodied love.

Embracing the Masculine and Feminine Energies

Within each of us lies a dance of masculine and feminine energies, with the masculine embodying logic and the feminine embracing emotion and intuition. When we honor and integrate these energies, we unlock a state of wholeness and harmony within ourselves.

The Power of Emotional Exploration

Dive deep into the vast ocean of your emotions, embracing the mystery and power that lies within. Allow yourself to navigate the waters of your emotional body with grace, cultivating resilience and compassion as you connect with the creative life force energy that resides within.

Balancing the Mind and Emotions

Discover the importance of harmonizing the mind and emotions, avoiding dysfunctional patterns that lead to emotional collapse. By cultivating a healthy expression of both the mind and emotions, we can find a state of co-creation and balance in our lives.

Harnessing Elemental Forces for Healing

Explore the interconnectedness of nature’s elements in healing your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. By befriending your emotions, mastering your mind, and aligning with the power of love, you can create a life rooted in harmony, collaboration, and beauty.

As you journey through the depths of your emotions and the expanses of your mind, may you find the balance and harmony that leads to true transformation and healing. Embrace the power within you and step into a life of purpose, love, and alignment.

Thank you for being a part of the pleasure-led movement. I’m honored to support your embodied spiritual awakening.

I want to extend a special invitation to our listeners. If you’re craving a deeper exploration of your desires, whether they be personal or professional, consider booking a Desire session  by phone with me. It’s a unique opportunity to delve into your dreams, purpose, and clear limiting belief codes that are blocking you.

To schedule your Desire session visit www.DesireSession.com

Are you for a personalized purpose coaching with me? The Embody Soul Purpose Series  transforms wounds from the past into wisdom and wonder in the present and the future, in a soul retrieval and timeline healing process to clear, balance and harmonize of all 7 main energy centers. Embrace all aspects of your past so you can create the greatest chapter of your life.

Schedule your life-changing series at www.embodysoulpurpose.com

Leave a review and follow on your favorite podcast app.

Journey with the Great Mother to Heal the Mother Wound #48

Journey with the Great Mother to Heal the Mother Wound #48

Do you sometimes feel a longing for something deeper, a desire for a connection to the sacred feminine? Many of us carry wounds and patterns rooted in the mother wound with a lack of support and nurturing.

By accessing the well of divine feminine energy that has been suppressed by layers of pain and societal conditioning, we can reignite the inner flame that allows us to embody our full, sacred life-giving balance between the masculine and feminine forces within.

In a world where the sacred feminine energy is often suppressed or overlooked, there is a deep longing for connection and healing. The mother wound, rooted in generational patterns and societal conditioning, can affect us on a profound level. But what if we told you that healing is possible through a journey with the Great Mother herself?

Exploring the Divine Feminine:
The journey to heal the mother wound begins with accessing the divine energy that lies within us, waiting to be unleashed. It’s about finding the balance between the feminine and masculine forces within, regardless of gender or motherhood status. By shedding what binds us and embracing our true power, magic, and beauty, we can step into our full potential.

Hypnosis Journey to Healing:
Close your eyes and imagine walking through a tunnel illuminated by stars representing events and emotional charges from past lives. Travel backward through time, exploring the lineage of women and mothers before you. Feel the calm on a soul level, knowing that you are held and loved by the Great Mother.

Receiving Unconditional Love:
The healing journey involves receiving unconditional love from the Great Mother, allowing old patterns of self-attack and neglect to dissolve. By becoming the mother to yourself, you create a deep connection to the sacred feminine within. Your breath becomes a practice of inhaling love and exhaling your full self to the Great Mother.

Embodying Soul Purpose:
As you reconnect with your soul essence and the healing power of the Divine Feminine, you can embrace all aspects of your past and step into the greatest chapter of your life. Consider booking a desire session to delve deeper into healing the mother wound or explore personalized rites of passage to activate your energy centers and find balance within.

The journey with the Great Mother to heal the mother wound is a transformative experience that goes beyond personal healing. It is a reconnection to the infinite love and support that surrounds us, guiding us towards a life filled with love, power, and wealth. Embrace this journey, embody your soul purpose, and unlock the magic power of your soul.

To schedule your Desire session to Heal the Mother Wound visit www.DesireSession.com

Your desires deserve attention, and I’d love to support you.

Are you for a personalized Rites of Passage with me? The Embody Soul Purpose Series focuses on integrating parts of you that were lost along the way, in a soul retrieval process and activation of all 7 main chakras (energy centers). Embrace all aspects of your past no matter what happened so you can create the greatest chapter of your life, no matter what your current age.

if you are interested to explore working with me to embody Soul Purpose Rites of Passages Series please visit www.embodysoulpurpose.com